Friday, February 12, 2010

Desperiade's harsh beginning and Naju's rude awakening

Awaken from a fallen slumber, the new warrior Desperiade sat up slowly with his eyes still closed. His blade lay on the ground next to him along with a skakdi warlord helmet. "why do I have this?" Desperiade thought to himself, then he looked over his shoulder only to see a dead skakdi lying feet from him. Placing his mask on his face, Desperiade flung the helmet miles off shore of the island. As the darker shadows role in, so do unfamiliar enemies. In the blink of an eye a giant 18 foot tall figure resembling that of a vahki, flung himself full force at Desperiade knocking him to the ground. As Desperiade watched helplessly, the giant vahki grabbed him by the throat and threw him against a tree. "Do you remember me old friend? Haha.... of course not!" yelled the massive figure. "You escaped me before Desperiade, but now its all over." Just then Desperiade had a flashback. All he saw was trees and vines all around him towering miles into the air, the next thing he knew he saw himself, firing giant nova blasts of elctricity at the vahki. He remembered that he was the commander & chief vahki of the western edge's control system. As he watched astounded, he saw himself jump somewhere up into the trees and then come hammering down upon the commander vahki pummeling him into the ground. With a strong counter attack however, the commander managed to throw Desperiade against the ground and deliver extremely strong blows with his spear shield. The next thing he knew he snapped back to reality and found himself with a knife to his throat...........

Naju walked slowly down the labrynth paths trying to find his way back to the surface of Nejama a village filled with warriors of gravity. An old enemy sprung from the darkness onto Naju's back knocking him several feet forward against a wall. "You have lied to meeeeee......." "Now you will pay Warrior!" At that moment a blade cut a clear line across Naju's mask and another blade flew out of the darkness sending Naju to the ground. "Just as alwaysssss...... sssoooooo disappointingggggg, you are weak!" After that all Naju could see was blood coered his hands and his left eye, After he escaped he looked into the pool of water only to notice his whole left side of his mask was shattered. "Iiiiiiiii''''''mmmmmmmm not gooone yettttt Naju" Came the voice again followed by a pulse of flames exerted from the beings eyes. The flame provided a light long enough to enscribe the figure in flame revealing his features. He was a tall hunched over figure with two giant blades and glowing red eyes. He seemed metalic silver in color. "Drakoth!" yelled Naju in surprise. "You finnnaly figured me out haven't you?" Those words were followed with a blade to the face. Naju was out cold......

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